What you may be experiencing

- Frustrated that your child is misbehaving and not listening to you
- In a cycle of making a reasonable request, raising your voice, threatening to take away your child’s things, becoming physical, and then feeling guilty about losing your cool
- Worried because your child is depressed and moody, not interested in connecting with friends or family
- Your child refuses to hang out with friends or go on play dates that you have arranged because they get so anxious
- Worried that your child’s grades are declining because they are too stressed to do their homework or stay in class
- Feeling helpless and hopeless, because everything you try to help your child seems to fail. You are arguing and yelling more, and more disconnected with your child.
How Parent Support / Therapy may be helpful

- Provide empathy and understanding of how parenting is one of the most challenging experiences we will ever go through in life, and one that unfortunately has no quick fixes.
- Increase empathy and understanding for yourself, so you can have more empathy and understanding for your child and better understand why they behave in the way that they do.
- Identify your own triggers in parenting.
- Learn to better manage your own reactions and feelings, then you will be able to more effectively talk with and help your child.
- Explore different parenting styles and different parenting strategies.
- Consider ways to improve structure and consistency in the home, and having clear and reasonable expectations
- Connect and communicate better with your child so you can be more effective as a parent
Much of my experiences as a therapist have been working with children and parents. I have worked with many children and parents to improve their relationships and work through their difficulties. I will help support you in whatever parenting challenges you have.
How Parent Support would work with Kids & Teen Therapy
For parent therapy in conjunction with your child in kids & teen therapy, there are many ways to do this, and we will discuss your current situation and circumstances to figure out what would make the most sense. Sometimes we may split a 50-minute session as therapy with your child and then parent therapy. Sometimes we may meet all together with parents and child for a full session or part of a session. And sometimes we may have separate sessions at different days/times of the week for the child and for the parents. The age of your child and their stage of development will also be an important factor in how we structure therapy.
For more information about therapy for your child, please see the Kids and Teen Therapy page.
Contact me to ask any other questions or to schedule a free 20-minute consultation